Drifting Bodypainting: nudity and sexy
Bodypainting is an art in itself but he is unfortunately victim of drifts sexy (see squarely pornographic) and / or vulgar by its support, the body naked.

The bodypainting sometimes remains an art diverted from its original vocation and is then associated with the nudity of the feminine parts, it is to note that the masculine nudity is much less subject to these drifts.
These vulgar practices are degrading for this art, models, artists and photographers. Fortunately a majority does not fall into this facility and create true living artistic masterpiece.
Our association does not endorse these practices and fight for an art of body painting without visible nudity through the use of different stratagems: covering underwear (as in our draft bodypainting calendar 2016), or silicone cover, masking with other parts of the body or simply with an artistic composition that effaced the body of the model for the benefit of the work, which remains the basic goal of artistic bodypainting.
We also see people who wonder, and more often photographers, and ask "But what is the interest of bodypaint, you can do the same thing on a canvas!" So why on a naked woman? it's pervert? "
To that we just want to answer: you watch TV? magazines ? you see the ads? What is the relationship between perfume and a naked woman? What is the relationship between a watch and a naked woman? Or even just, for you photographers, when you photograph women in lingerie or even naked sometimes, what is the interest?
Art has no limit or border! Except the interest and respect of professionals, models and the public who contemplates this art! Bodypainting must not become a new advertising medium for advertising or any other purpose.
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Crayola color pencil
Phosphorescent / fluorescent Bodypainting
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Drifting: nudity and sexy bodypainting
Electrically conductive paint
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